大家應該都了解《鐵達尼號》的故事吧?但是一些學者竟然發現,其實當時鐵達尼號的706位生還者中,有6位是來自中國的乘客,但是在他們被拯救後到了美國,待24小時就被要求遣返回中國,而他們6位的名字也從鐵達尼的歷史上消失。導演Arthur Jones跟記錄片團員一起探索最後這6位乘客到哪去了,為什麼會從歷史上被抹去?
The Six is the incredible untold story of Titanic’s Chinese survivors. Who were they, how did they escape, and how did they disappear so completely from the history books? As we head to Sunny Side of the Doc, check out our new teaser trailer, with new footage from the upcoming film. #titanic #china #chinese #doc #documentary #SSD17 #history
Posted by The Six on Tuesday, June 20, 2017
來源:The Six