
1. 原來溜冰選手都是這樣生出來的…   2. Rose,我說過我們拍照的時候不要亂入你的屁股! 廣告1   3. 夏天就是需要…   4. 對啊,我跑太多的時候也會吐出一隻狗! 廣告2   5. 有什麼問題嗎?(還裝純真) 廣告3   6. 爸…你可以

March 1, 2015

1. 原來溜冰選手都是這樣生出來的…

So that's where ice skaters come from. I always thought a fabulous stork delivered them.


2. Rose,我說過我們拍照的時候不要亂入你的屁股!

Once again, Rose manages to butt her way into the photo.


3. 夏天就是需要…

On second thought, I'm not in the mood for ice cream.


4. 對啊,我跑太多的時候也會吐出一隻狗!

Can't blame him. Track running makes me sick as a dog, too.


5. 有什麼問題嗎?(還裝純真)

Are you happy to see me, or is that a man popping out of your shorts?


6. 爸…你可以穿長一點的褲子嗎?!

Dad, it looks like you might need longer shorts. Oh...


7. 天啊妳可以穿上…喔等一下,是我錯了。

Michelle got a bit too excited at the party.


8. 我不是說過不要讓半狗人進我們家門的嗎?!

She loves to horse around in the kitchen.


9. 這太不雅…喔等等…

I'm not sure what's worse here: the timing of the photo, or that unfortunate pose.


10. 卡爾自從5歲開始就再也沒有長大了…

Bill is such a man-baby.


11. 是在泰國嗎…?!等等,我太壞了啦~

It's just a bike seat, people. Jeez, you and your dirty minds.


12. 是妳的朋友站錯位置,還是你的手放錯位置了?

Yikes. You know it's diet time when your arm fat can be mistaken for an entire person's naked body.


13. 一定很痛!

That is definitely a case of unsportsmanlike conduct.


14. 來人啊,快報警!

This has got to be the ultimate badly timed photo. It's enough to land a man on the sex offender registry.




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