
 曾经在网路上掀起一波「声援跳舞哥事件」,一位小胖哥尚恩 (Sean O’Brien) 在派对原本想要跳舞,却因旁人嘲笑而不敢再跳。照片一被上传之后,立刻引起了广大网友声援,制止这种嘲笑他人体型的言语暴力。最后,这样的声援甚至转为一个派对,要寻找跳舞哥本人,为

May 25, 2015

 曾经在网路上掀起一波「声援跳舞哥事件」,一位小胖哥尚恩 (Sean O’Brien) 在派对原本想要跳舞,却因旁人嘲笑而不敢再跳。照片一被上传之后,立刻引起了广大网友声援,制止这种嘲笑他人体型的言语暴力。最后,这样的声援甚至转为一个派对,要寻找跳舞哥本人,为他办一个没有嘲笑、可以尽情跳舞的派对。

O'Brien found global fame after being trolled on website 4chan back in March when one someone posted these photos of him and the caption: 'Spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week. He stopped when he saw us laughing'


原本嘲笑跳舞哥的发文还写着:「看到这『标本』试着要跳舞,但看到我们在笑他,他就不敢跳了。」这样的串连声援,甚至连巨星菲瑞威廉斯 (Pharrell Williams) 都发言声援,直到最后,众人终于找到跳舞哥本人。然后,这场舞会真的展开了!

Saturday's event attracted more than 1,000 revellers at glitzy nightclub Avalon in Hollywood, with superstar Moby performing a DJ set


这个舞会在名人聚集的好莱坞 (Hollywood) 盛大举办,里头也包括许多名人艺人到场狂欢。跳舞哥尚恩也表示:「我从来没有跳舞跳得这么尽兴,这是我人生最棒的一晚,太不可思议了!太多人都给予我支持鼓励。」

British born O’Brien, who America has taken to their hearts since he was poked fun at for dancing, had a party thrown for him in Hollywood with superstar DJ Moby on the decks


曾经在1990年代与前总统柯林顿有过桃色绯闻的蒙妮卡·陆文斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 也到场声援,她也曾经网路霸凌的受害者,如今加入反霸凌的行列,也在这次的活动中上台发言,说到:「你可以当个旁观者,或是起身帮助正面临痛苦的那个人。」

Monica Lewinsky, who is now part of anti-bullying group Bystander Revolution, said: 'Sean was brave - he stepped forward and said, "I am dancing man"



'I never thought I'd be on a stage in LA talking rubbish like this' O'Brien became a viral sensation in March after an internet user posted a photo intending to mock him that instead turned him into a hero for anti-bullying


在跳舞哥左右两边的女士,正是起初号招筹备舞会的卡桑德拉 (Cassandra Fairbanks,左) 和霍普 (Hope Leigh,右)。在看到网路上对跳舞哥身材的恶意批评后,他们开始号招舞会,后来甚至吸引了名人如DJ魔比 (Moby)、菲瑞威廉斯、歌手艾丽·高登 (Ellie Goulding) 等声援。

O'Brien poses for pics with Cassandra Fairbanks, left, and Hope Leigh, right, the two Californian woman who organized the event after he was body-shamed online



'This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I'm going to grasp with both hands': O'Brien said that despite all the attention he still didn't feel like a celebrity



Bust a move: O'Brien danced with television personality Whitney Thore at one stage during proceedings


O'Brien said he was overwelmed with the ourpouting of love he had received: 'I'm just lucky and blessed to be here... The warmth of LA is overwhelming. There's so much good in the world we need to harness it'

来源:Daily Mail


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加入粉絲團! 这位小胖哥想跳舞却因体型遭到嘲笑,但现在连好莱坞的名人都来为他办一场毫无偏见的完美派对!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友