
全球最大社交网站 (Facebook) 创办人马克祖克柏 (Mark Zuckerberg) 上周六 (10/24) 再次造访中国清华大学,并且首度以「全程中文」为该大学经管学院的学生完成了22分钟的演讲! cmag.com   敢在这么多人面前用中文演讲22分钟,太有勇气了吧?!   2014年10月时他也在清

October 27, 2015

全球最大社交网站 (Facebook) 创办人马克祖克柏 (Mark Zuckerberg) 上周六 (10/24) 再次造访中国清华大学,并且首度以「全程中文」为该大学经管学院的学生完成了22分钟的演讲!




I just gave my first ever speech in Chinese at Tsinghua University in Beijing — on why you need a strong sense of mission to change the world. This was also my first real speech in any language sharing how I started thinking about Facebook’s mission, what has kept me going through challenging times and what our mission means now looking ahead for our community of 1.5 billion people. This video also has English subtitles and you may find it interesting if you’re thinking about building something or are interested in Facebook’s history. The themes of believing in your mission, caring more deeply than anyone else and always looking ahead are relevant to anything you might build. Last year I joined the board of Tsinghua’s School of Economics and Management. This is a great center of innovation and many of the students here will become global leaders in technology, business and government. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to help this university and talk with its students. I look forward to coming back again next year!

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Saturday, 24 October 2015



大家都知道马克学中文的初衷是为了泡妞 (讨华裔妻子开心),但这场中文演讲已经完全成为了Facebook进军中国市场的开端!身为一个外国人,在这么短的学习时间内能够讲得这么流利,真的要说他是地表上最屌的创办人也不为过啊!

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加入粉絲團! 脸书创办人马克祖克柏前几天为中国大学生做的事,让所有人终于发现到他胆子太大了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友