
蜜拉‧莫迪 (Mira Modi) 只有11歲,但她已經開發出一個系統,能幫你產生難以破解又好記的密碼。而且她已經以每個密碼台幣65元 (美金$2) 的價格做起生意了,她的生意名稱就叫DiceWARE。   這個系統的運作方式是先擲5次骰,記錄下每個號碼,然後用5位數的號碼對照Diceware

November 3, 2015

蜜拉‧莫迪 (Mira Modi) 只有11歲,但她已經開發出一個系統,能幫你產生難以破解又好記的密碼。而且她已經以每個密碼台幣65元 (美金$2) 的價格做起生意了,她的生意名稱就叫DiceWARE

11-year-old Mira Modi has created a system for generating secure yet easy to remember passwords and she has started a business selling them for $2 each. She's calling her business DiceWARE and explains it as so:  “You roll a die 5 times and write down each number. Then you look up the resulting five-digit number in the Diceware dictionary, which contains a numbered list of short words.”  The result is a string of 5 words in non-sensical order that is extremely hard to crack. Mira says she got the idea when her mom, Julia Angwin, first paid her to create passwords for her. Angwin is an award winning investigative journalist and author of 'Dragnet Nation', a book about how the government, private companies, and criminals use technology sweep up our personal data.


最後,你會得到5個不相干的單字,組合起來後就相當難以破解。蜜拉說這個系統的靈感來自她媽媽茱莉亞‧安格溫 (Julia Angwin) ,她是第一個付錢請蜜拉想密碼的人。茱莉亞也是曾獲普立茲獎的記者,並著有《Dragnet Nation》一書,書中談到政府、私人機構及罪犯是怎麼用科技竊取我們的個資。

When an order comes in Mira generates a password then mails it to the customer handwritten on a piece of paper. She tells people to capitalize random letters and add symbols after they receive it so it cannot be stolen.



She estimates she couple make $12 per hour if she worked on passwords full time.


如果她將密碼工作變成全職,她估算一小時可以賺390元 (美金$12) 。

Mira plans on learning about digital security and hacking when she gets older.  Via Oddity Central



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分類:世界, 科技
加入粉絲團! 這名小女孩只有11歲,但她靠你的網路帳戶密碼,就可以賺到每小時390元!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友