
在菲律賓總統杜特蒂的暴力掃毒行動下,5個月內死亡人數增加到5,927人。曾說「吸毒者不是人」的他,表示停止屠殺的方法,就是停止服食毒品。   雖然菲律賓的街道上佈滿著屍體,但這位激進的領導人堅持認為,他不是一個殺手,他只是在打擊非法毒品,因此杜特蒂並不打算停

December 14, 2016


Rain pours onto the body of Romeo Torres Fontanilla, who was gunned down, witnesses said, by two unknown men on a motorbike, in the Pasay district of Manila, Philippines



The basketball court at the Quezon City Jail, which has become a sleeping area, in the Philippines 



Police investigators near the body of Michael Araja, 29, who neighbors said was killed by two men riding by on a motorbike, in the Pasay district of Manila, Philippines



The bodies of Frederick Mafe, 48, and Arjay Lumbago, 23, who were riding together on a motorbike when they were killed by a pair on another motorbike, in Quezon City, Philippines



Police investigators hunched over the body of Romeo Torres Fontanilla, who was gunned down, witnesses said, by two unknown men on a motorbike, as it rains in the Pasay district of Manila, Philippines



Jimji, 6, cries out in anguish, saying "Papa" as workers move the body of her father, Jimboy Bolasa, 25, for burial, in Manila, Philippines



An unidentified body that was found with his head wrapped in packing tape, his hands tied behind his back and a cardboard sign that read, "A pusher who won't stop will have his life ended," on a street in Manila, Philippines



Bodies stacked up at a funeral parlor as the families of victims like Danilo Deparine, whose body lay on a metal stretcher on the floor, struggle to pay for burial, in Manila, Philippines



Inmates at a Manila police station watch as drug suspects are processed after their arrests in the Philippines



The funeral of Benjamin Visda, 43, who had left a family birthday celebration to get something from a convenience store when he was snatched off the street and killed, according to relatives, in Manila, Philippines



Four men arrested for possession of drugs cover their faces from the camera in Manila, Philippines



Nellie Diaz hunches over the body of her husband, Crisostomo, a drug user who had surrendered but still ended up dead, in Manila, Philippines



People visit the tombs of their loved ones on All Saints Day at the Barangka cemetery in the Marikina area of Manila, Philippines



Relatives overcome with grief at the site where the bodies of Frederick Mafe and Arjay Lumbago lie sprawled in the middle of a street in Manila, Philippines



Funeral parlor workers carry away Edwin Mendoza Alon-Alon, 36, who was shot in the head outside a 7-Eleven store, in the Paranaque area of Manila, Philippines



The blood of Florjohn Cruz, 34, stains the floor in his family's living room, next to an altar displaying images and statues of the Virgin Mary, among other items, in Manila, Philippines



Police at the scene of Ronald Kalau's death, in Manila, Philippines



The busy Tondo neighborhood of Manila, the Philippines where President Rodrigo Duterteís brutal anti-drug campaign rages



Roel Scott, 13, inspects the bloodied spot where his uncle, Joselito Jumaquio, 52, was killed by the police, in Manila, Philippines



 Family and friends attend the funeral of Joselito Jumaquio, who was slain by a mob of masked men, in Manila, Philippines


「紅色:警察行動中被殺; 黃色:被不明攻擊者殺死。」

來源 : Dailymail


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加入粉絲團! 21張菲律賓總統暴力掃毒「街上到處都是屍體」恐怖照片,5個月屠殺超過5900人讓全國民眾崩潰。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友