
Blake Morrow是一位多伦多的摄影师兼插画家,有天他的朋友Beth突然跑来找他、并且提出了一个相当有趣的请求… Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca   Beth说她准备要去做胃绕道手术,问Blake能不能帮她做个什么”前后差异”的照片合成。 Blake Morrow|blakemo

May 8, 2015

Blake Morrow是一位多伦多的摄影师兼插画家,有天他的朋友Beth突然跑来找他、并且提出了一个相当有趣的请求…

Blake Morrow is a Toronto-based photographer and illustrator. A couple of years ago, his friend Beth went to him with an interesting request.
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



"She came to me before she had gastric-bypass surgery asking if I’d do a portrait of her, combining a before-and-after vibe," he told BuzzFeed.
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



When she told him her idea, Morrow had a vision of how to capture it.
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



"I was immediately obsessed with the idea," Morrow said. "I love before-and-after stuff — be it home re-dos or weight loss comparisons. Creating this imagery with Beth was a chance to add to that lore, but to try something different."
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca


这一系列”Beth Project”的照片,涵盖了相当多有趣的拍摄主题!

Thus The Beth Project was born, a photo showcase of Beth before and after her surgery depicted through pop culture references.
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



He said the inspiration for the photos came from Beth's and his commons interests, with both of them being "sci-fi geeks."
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca


整个专案拍摄制作约历时2年,从照片中也能看见Beth减掉150磅 (约68公斤) 之后的前后差异。

The project was two years in the making, and shows Beth's weight loss of 150 pounds in different playful scenarios referencing pop culture events.
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



Morrow says Photoshop was used, but that he didn't alter Beth's body shape: "I was determined to use it in a way that would encourage and inspire people while being true to the heart of my subject."
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



He added that the main goal was to capture what makes Beth unique. "Some of the images are dramatic and theatrical, while others go for a gritty photo-realistic vibe, but they're all about Beth being herself, even while taking on characters to play."
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



The best part of the whole project, he said, was his subject. "I was honored that Beth was so open and willing to be herself while taking on these character scenarios to act through in front of my lens."
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



You go, Beth!
Blake Morrow|blakemorrow.ca



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加入粉絲團! 这名摄影师用我看过最有创意的方式拍下她的好友减肥前后的11张照片。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友