
如果黑洞和仙女座 (Andromeda) 就在我们眼前,那天空会长什么样子呢?你会发现,原来黑洞是亮的!   这段影片是由俄罗斯联邦航天局 (Roscosmos) 所制,让大家可以「亲眼见证」宇宙中的星系如果在地球旁边,我的天空可以变得多不一样。上头正是黑洞的模拟图。   首

July 26, 2015

如果黑洞和仙女座 (Andromeda) 就在我们眼前,那天空会长什么样子呢?你会发现,原来黑洞是亮的!

The video was created by the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. It shows how the night sky would look if certain objects were closer. It includes supernova remnants known as the Ring and Crab nebulae. And it also reveals how a nearby black hole (shown) would be bright - not dark
这段影片是由俄罗斯联邦航天局 (Roscosmos) 所制,让大家可以「亲眼见证」宇宙中的星系如果在地球旁边,我的天空可以变得多不一样。上头正是黑洞的模拟图。


首先登场的是离我们最近的仙女座 (不包括矮星系) ,一个拥有上万亿个恒星和22万光年长度的星系,如果在地球旁边的话,整个天空都会是它的银河星系。

The video shows what Andromeda, our nearest galaxy - excluding dwarf galaxies - would look like up close. Containing one trillion stars and with a length of 220,000 light-years, the galaxy would fill our night sky (shown) even from a considerable distance away


接下来出现的是环状星云 (Ring Nebula),它是6000年前超新星爆炸后的遗迹,直径约1光年。

The video shows the Ring Nebula (shown) - a 6,000-year-old remnant of a supernova with a diameter of one light year.


再来还有蟹状星云 (Crab Nebula),它同样是超新星遗迹,于1054年第一次被发现。

The Crab Nebula (shown), also shown, is similarly a supernova remnant, which was first observed in the year 1054 AD


巨大球状星团的武仙座 (Hercules) 有着10万颗恒星,长度有165光年,不过它还没大到能成为一个星系。

This image shows the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, containing 100,000 stars and measuring 165 light-years in length, although it is not large enough to be an entire galaxy



An supernova in the night sky is illustrated, with its light shining brighter than the moon. For a supernova to destroy life on Earth, it would have to be within 50 light-years of Earth - although fortunately there is no star that close that can go supernova


影片中可以看见漩涡星系与旁边的NGC 5195星系相当靠近,漩涡星系有壮丽的旋臂结构,其中一支旋臂延伸到NGC 5195星系中。

Shown here is the Whirlpool Galaxy in the video seen interacting with NGC 5195, sharing some of its matter





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