
【请注意,以下画面涉及血腥恐怖,请斟酌点阅】 周先生在工作时受伤,整只左手掌被机器切断。事后他立刻赶到湖南省长沙市的香雅医院就医,唐巨雨医师看过他的情况后,决定用一个绝妙的神奇方法救回他的左手。 giphy   (示意图)   唐医师表示,他的团队在 2013 年已

July 18, 2015



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唐医师表示,他的团队在 2013 年已帮一名工人用此方法成功救回他的右手。

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2013 年时工人谢伟也因工作意外而被切断了右手掌,唐医师便是当时的执刀医师,将手掌移植到谢伟的脚踝,等初步复原后再移植回手掌。

Mandatory Credit: Photo by HAP/Quirky China News/REX (3429492c) The severed hand attached to Xiao Wei's leg Man has severed hand attached to leg to keep it alive, Changsha, Hunan Province, China - 10 Dec 2013 *Full story:  Doctors have successfully re-attached a man's severed hand after it was attached to his ankle for a month. On 10th November Xiao Wei's right hand was severed due to an accident at work. He comments: "I was just shocked and frozen at the spot, until co-workers unplugged the machine and retrieved my hand and took me to the hospital." At his local hospital in Changde Xiao was told that they were unable to save his hand. However, they added that doctors at the larger regional hospital may be able to help. Xiao says: "I am still young, and I couldn't imagine life without a right hand." So a friend drove Xiao to Changsha and he arrived at the hospital there 7 hours after the accident.




Pic shows: Doctors saved a man’s severed hand by attaching it to his leg  Doctors performed an extraordinary operation to save a man’s severed hand by attaching it to his leg. A month later they successfully grafted it back onto the factory worker’s arm after the nerves and tendons had healed from the trauma. The rare operation was performed at a hospital in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province in central China. It happened after worker Zhou had his left hand chopped off during a work accident involving a spinning blade machine.  He was rushed to the Xiangya Hospital in Changsha where doctors assessed his situation. Doctor Tang Juyu, head of microsurgery at the hospital, decided he could give Zhou a chance to "revive" his lost hand - with an operation he and his team had already successfully performed once in 2013 under similar circumstances. Because both Zhou’s arm and severed hand were badly wounded following the accident, doctors were unable to attach it right away, opting instead to allow the nerves and tendons to heal with time. This meant Doctor Tang and his team decided to graft Zhou’s left hand to his right ankle. Doctor Tang explained: "Under normal temperatures, a severed finger needs to resume blood supply within 10 hours, but that time is even shorter for a separated limb.  "If a limb is short of blood for too long, its tissues die and it will be unsalvageable." Mr Zhou’s hand was kept "alive" and left to heal while attached to his ankle for a period of more than one month. Then Doctor Tang and his team successfully reattached it to his arm in a 10-hour surgery. According to the Doctor Tang, Zhou is now able to slightly move his fingers, but he will still need much rehabilitation before regaining full function.



After succesful surgery to reattach the hand (pictured), Zhou is now able to move his fingers slightly. In time it is hoped he will regain full function of his hand 

来源:Daily Mail


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