
1. 塞內加爾人相信,你永遠都不該告訴任何人你的旅行計劃,不然就有可能就此詛咒了這趟旅程!   2. 在俄羅斯,要是你提著空水桶或是看到有人提著空水桶都會有惡運臨頭! 廣告1   3. 丹麥人會把一整年碎裂的碗盤都留存下來,在新年期間就會把碎片丟到朋友家,這樣就

August 30, 2015

1. 塞內加爾人相信,你永遠都不該告訴任何人你的旅行計劃,不然就有可能就此詛咒了這趟旅程!

In Senegal you should never tell anyone your travel plans, because if you do, the trip could be ruined.


2. 在俄羅斯,要是你提著空水桶或是看到有人提著空水桶都會有惡運臨頭!

In Russia it is said to be bad luck to carry an empty bucket, or even to see someone carry an empty bucket.


3. 丹麥人會把一整年碎裂的碗盤都留存下來,在新年期間就會把碎片丟到朋友家,這樣就會為彼此的友誼帶來好運!

The Danish save broken dishes throughout the year and then throw the shards on new years at the homes of friends. It is thought to bring luck to their friendship.


4. 埃及人深信貓頭鷹生性就不吉利!

Egyptians believe Owls are unlucky inherently.


5. 如果你在芬蘭殺死了一隻蜘蛛,隔天的壞天氣有可能就會歸咎到你頭上!

If you kill a spider in Finland you may be blamed for the weather the next day.


6. 在印度的一些地區,如果在禮拜二、六或是任何太陽下山時段剪指甲都會帶來惡運!

In parts of India it is believed that cutting your fingernails on Tuesdays, Saturdays, or anytime after the sun goes down is bad luck.


7. 在義大利,17號星期五相較於普遍大家相信的13號星期五才是真正不吉利的!

In Italian culture Friday the 17th, not the 13th, is the one to be feared.


8. 在西班牙,他們雖然跟大家一樣認為13號是不吉利的,不過他們怕的可是13號星期二面具殺人魔傑森會現身大開殺戒!

And in Spain they still think it's the 13th, just not a Friday. They watch out for Jason Voorhees on Tuesday the 13th.


9. 奈及利亞人相信,如果你嘴對嘴親吻嬰兒,小寶寶長大成人後就會不自覺流口水!

Nigerians believe that if you kiss a baby on the lips they will grow up to drool as adults.


10. 在土耳其,有些人相信你晚上嚼的口香糖是由腐肉做成的!

It Turkey some believe that the gum you chew at night is made of rotting flesh.


11. 在巴西,如果你把皮包、皮夾放在地上就有遺失的危機,因為地板與遺失錢財是有關係的!

If you put your purse or wallet on the ground in Brazil you may lose it. They believe in a correlation between the floor and losing your money.


12. 在埃及,如果你對著空氣捅啊捅的,他們就會認為你正在把空氣中的靈魂剪斷!

Ever stab at the air with a pair of scissors? Well, in Egypt they believe you are cutting spirits present in the air.


13. 在荷蘭,不能在餐桌邊唱歌,他們會認為你正對著惡魔本人唱著歌呢!

In the Netherlands don't sing at the dinner table. They believe that you are singing to the devil himself!


14. 在南韓,他們不會在電扇附近睡覺,因為他們認為電扇會在你睡夢中把你殺死!

In South Korea they don't sleep near fans. They believe that fans can kill you while you sleep.


15. 中國的大樓中,多半沒有4樓,因為諧音跟「死」字一樣不吉利!

Most buildings don't have a 4th floor in China because the word for death sounds just like the word for four.


16. 在美國佛蒙特州,大部分的窗戶都會斜斜的,這樣巫婆才飛不進去。不過,能不能直接由正門走入,就不得而知了!

In Vermont most windows are built on an angle so that witches won't fly though them.   I suppose they could still use the front door though.  Via EMGN



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