
迷思1.你是因为新陈代谢太快所以才长不了肌肉。   如果你长不了肌肉不要怪新陈代谢。瘦子比较长不出肌肉是因为吃的蛋白质不够。多补充蛋白质你就会看到成效了!   迷思2. 你无法减肥是因为你的新陈代谢太慢。   虽然有一些瘦子就算吃垃圾食物也不会变胖,但是其实维持理

October 27, 2015


You can't gain muscle because you have a fast metabolism  If gaining muscle is tough for you, your metabolism isn't to blame. The reason skinny people have a harder time putting on muscle is generally because they aren't eating enough protein-packed food to do so. Eat more and you will see results.


迷思2. 你无法减肥是因为你的新陈代谢太慢。

You can't lose weight because you have a slow metabolism  There are naturally thin people who do get away with eating junk food, but you can still maintain a desired body weight fairly easily. It depends on your personal goals and actions as opposed to some sort of bodily predisposition.


迷思3. 扁平的脚比较容易受伤。

Flat feet are prone to injury  Studies actually indicate the opposite. People with normal or high arches are more susceptible to stress fractures and strains than so called "Flat-foots."


迷思4. 年纪越大新陈代谢越慢。

Your metabolism slows down as you get older  While true, it's not as drastic as you think. The real culprit here is your body not gaining and keeping any muscle mass. The metabolism does slow down, but not enough to make you gain insane amounts of weight.


迷思5. 刮除毛发会让新长出来的毛发更粗糙。



迷思6. 你在激烈的有氧运动后会继续燃烧卡路里。

You continue burning calories after an intense cardio session  If you've ever tried burning calories, then you've probably heard of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). While HIIT does burn more calories after a workout, the amount is so small that you might as well stick to regular cardio.


迷思7. 你可以把蛇毒吸出来。

You can suck out the poison from a snake bite  This is actually dangerous. It can cause an infection to the bitten area and make things even worse. Washing a bite with soap and water is helpful, along with keeping it lower than the heart. And obviously seek medical attention.


迷思8. 气温低加上头发湿会让你生病。

Cold air and wet hair will make you sick  This just isn't true. The virus associated with the common cold is actually all around you. It doesn't take cold, wet hair to get you sick. Nor are you somehow more prone to catching the cold due to these two individual factors.


迷思9. 吃特定的一些食物会加速新陈代谢。

Eating certain foods will boost your metabolism  While it's a popular belief that eating cinnamon, red peppers, and similar foods will boost your metabolism, it's just not true. It might give it a temporary spike, but it won't lead to anything permanent.


迷思10. 白色的牙齿才健康。

Healthy teeth are white  The natural color of human teeth is yellow. Pearly whites look nice, but they're actually not natural. In fact, chemical whitening does more harm than good. Bleaching them actually damages enamel.  Via ViralNova


迷思11. 在水母蜇伤的地方尿尿能够减少疼痛。

Peeing on a jellyfish sting makes it feel better  According to lab tests, urine can actually make the pain of a jellyfish sting even worse. There is nothing good that can come from being peed on.  Well, this just took a weird turn. Let's move on.


迷思12. 增加肌肉会让你新陈代谢更快。

Gaining muscle boosts your metabolism  Gaining muscle doesn't boost your metabolism that much. If anything, building a pound of muscle will help you burn about five more calories.


迷思13. 一天吃六餐少量多餐会加速新陈代谢。

Eating six small meals a day boosts your metabolism  This theory states that eating six small meals per day helps keep your metabolism going throughout the whole day. Research shows that there's technically nothing wrong with eating six smaller meals, but it also concludes that the body doesn't react to this meal plan much differently than it does to eating three larger meals a day.


迷思14. 你一晚需要睡8小时。

You need eight hours of sleep a night  Every person needs a different amount of sleep, but researchers concluded that the average person can do just fine on five or six hours of sleep a night. And sleeping for longer than eight hours can actually do more harm than good.


迷思15. 禁食会让新陈代谢变慢。

Fasting slows your metabolism  Studies show that you can go up to three days without food without damaging your metabolism. It would take nearly a week without food for your metabolism to undergo a drastic change.



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