
 在这张1972年6月8号拍下的照片里,金淑 (中间那位小女孩) 跟他的弟弟还有表弟妹在被南越战机误掷汽油弹袭击后一路逃窜。   在这张让金淑变成越战象征人物的照片里,虽然她的伤疤并不明显,但她边跑向照相机、边脱去燃烧衣物的痛苦却显而易见。在跟帮她拍下这张照片并让

October 27, 2015

 在这张1972年6月8号拍下的照片里,金淑 (中间那位小女孩) 跟他的弟弟还有表弟妹在被南越战机误掷汽油弹袭击后一路逃窜。

In this June 8, 1972 photo, nine-year-old Kim Phuc, center, runs with her brothers and cousins, followed by South Vietnamese forces, down Route 1 near Trang Bang after a South Vietnamese plane accidentally dropped its flaming napalm on its own troops and civilians. The terrified girl had ripped off her burning clothes while fleeing.
在这张让金淑变成越战象征人物的照片里,虽然她的伤疤并不明显,但她边跑向照相机、边脱去燃烧衣物的痛苦却显而易见。在跟帮她拍下这张照片并让美国人民对越战感到同情的摄影师尼克幼 (Nick Ut) 团聚后,她来到了美国。她现在有了痊愈与重生的机会。


迈阿密皮肤科与雷射研究所的吉儿医生 (Dr. Jill Waibei) 在展开雷射治疗前先检视金淑的伤势。

Dr. Jill Waibel (right) of Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute examines Kim Phuc (left) before the first of several laser treatments to reduce pain and the appearance of burn scars in her back and left arm.



Dr. Jill Waibel, left, applies a laser to the arm of Kim Phuc to reduce the pain and appearance of her burn scars in Miami. Phuc's husband, Toan Huy Bui, stands at center with patient care coordinator, Deborah Lomax, right. While she spent years doing painful exercises to preserve her range of motion, her left arm still doesn't extend as far as her right arm.



Dr. Jill Waibel, left, applies a laser to the back of Kim Phuc to reduce the pain and appearance of her burn scars. The procedure creates microscopic holes in the skin, which allows topical, collagen-building medicines to be absorbed deep through the layers of tissue.



Dr. Jill Waibel applies a laser to the arm of Kim Phuc to reduce the pain and appearance of her burn scars in Miami. Phuc was burned in the back and left arm by a napalm bomb in Vietnam over 40 years ago.


金淑40多年前被汽油弹袭击时的景象被摄影师尼克幼 (下图右) 拍下。他因为那张照片得到了普立兹奖并帮助了金淑。她抵达迈阿密时说:「多年来我以为我的伤痛到天堂才会痊愈,但现在天堂降临了。」

Forty years ago Kim Phuc was photographed after being caught in a naplam strike by photographer Nick Ut (pictured with Kim). Ut won the Pulitzer prize for the image and helped Phuc



In this June 8, 1972 photo, television crews including ITN reporter Christopher Wain and South Vietnamese troops surround 9-year-old Kim Phuc on Route 1 near Trang Bang after a South Vietnamese plane targeting suspected Viet Cong positions accidentally dropped its flaming napalm on the civilian village.



Associated Press photojournalist Nick Ut is shown above in South Vietnam. Minutes after a South Vietnamese plane accidentally dropped napalm on its own troops and civilians in Trang Bang village on June 8, 1972, Ut took the iconic photograph of nine-year-old Kim Phuc running naked and crying.



In this Sept. 25, 2015 photo, Kim Phuc shows burn scars on her back and left arm at a hotel in Miami.  Tasks as simple as carrying her purse on her left side are too difficult.



Kim Phuc, here in 1996, looks at a photo of herself holding her sleeping son, her back still bearing scars from the napalm burns, during a visit to the photography exhibit, 'Eyewitness 1996,' at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.



Kim Phuc poses for a photo at a hotel in Miami. Phuc arrived from her home in Canada to undergo a series of laser treatments to reduce the scars and pain she has endured for over 40 years.



Here, in 1997, Kim Phuc holds her son Thomas, 3, in their apartment in Toronto. Her husband, Bui Huy Toan, is at left.



Kim Phuc and her husband Toan Huy Bui (above) arrive in Miami to start a series of laser treatments with a dermatologist.




Kim Phuc, above, has high hopes for her laser treatments, saying the next phase of her life could be 'heaven on Earth'



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加入粉絲團! 这名在40年前越战撼动世界的小女孩当时全身严重烧伤,现在她终于痊愈的模样让全世界看得都很欣慰!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友