
1. 他一定每天疯狂运动!   2. 他的手臂长到可以一次抱到所有人。 廣告1   3. 有人没穿裤子!   4. 他的腿消失了! 廣告2   5. 身体怎么不见了? 廣告3   6. 毛毛虫隐身术!   7. 他的屁屁一定很冷!   8. 脚趾看起来像狗狗的___。   9. 阿姨的腿真美!   10. 两个人的

January 31, 2016

1. 他一定每天疯狂运动!

She works out A LOT.


2. 他的手臂长到可以一次抱到所有人。

The arms are long to embrace people better.


3. 有人没穿裤子!

Put some pants on!


4. 他的腿消失了!

The act of the disappearing legs.


5. 身体怎么不见了?

Where did her torso go?


6. 毛毛虫隐身术!

The leaf that dreams of being a caterpillar.


7. 他的屁屁一定很冷!

Someone's rear-end is cold.


8. 脚趾看起来像狗狗的___。

Her toes are in the way.


9. 阿姨的腿真美!

She thought it was bathing suit season already.


10. 两个人的身体黏在一起了!

Water troubles.


11. 看来有人不太喜欢穿衣服喔!

Everyone has a friend who hates clothes.


12. 手肘的位置很重要。

An inappropriate elbow.


13. 有人好像被卡在机车上了…

We think that's a man on the bottom, but we hope to be wrong.


14. 这只狗的身体未免也太长!

He's really long for a dog.


15. 千层礼服。

Her cake-tiered dress.


16. 又是手肘惹的祸。

The elbow is making an unusual appearance.


17. 绝对不是你以为的那个东西!

Not what you're thinking.


18. 连体婴 (误)

They are so close, they blend into one.


19. 穿条纹上衣的人是谁?

He's not the one wearing the stripped shirt.


20. 看来不只是手肘,脚趾的位置也很重要!

The most embarrassing piggy back ride.


21. 手肘到底想要毁掉多少人的人生!

The elbow strikes again!


22. 他有一双我看过最长的木头脚!

He has the longest, wooden legs ever!


23. 变脸。

Pool face.


24. 巨大鸽子怪兽来袭!

The most terrifying pigeon!


25. 其实只有一台车。

Two cars in one.


26. 合体技。

How is that even possible?


27. 马吃马。

He just ate his friend.


28. 可爱的马尾小男孩。

When the hair color is the same.


29. 这张照片本来应该很浪漫的。

It was almost romantic.


30. 这下无法不承认丰唇的事实了。

She swears she never had lip fillers.


31. 美腿!

Awesome legs!


32. 到底发生什么事?

Wait, I'm confused.


33. 小狗的腿好长啊!

The human-pup likes to stay warm.


34. 难怪爷爷生这么多小孩(?)

Oh no!


35. 现在的男人腿怎么都这么美?

Who has the nice legs?


36. 小头之谜。

The mystery of the shrunken head.


37. 他的手应该很好用吧。

Her arm-foot comes in handy.


38. 屁屁长反了!

She's a contortionist.

来源:Life Buzz



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