
1. 电视节目及广播主持人Ryan Seacrest 官方照片中有着看起来很专业的深色头发,但是其实他本人的发色是冲浪选手帮的金黄色。   2. Robe Lowe的雀斑似乎在也被修图修掉囉。  廣告1   3. 亚瑟小子 (Usher) 在官方照片中看起来比较凶悍,但其实他本人笑起来是很可爱的~  

February 22, 2016

1. 电视节目及广播主持人Ryan Seacrest 官方照片中有着看起来很专业的深色头发,但是其实他本人的发色是冲浪选手帮的金黄色。

TV and radio host Ryan Seacrest has darker locks in the professional photo, a contrast from his blonde, surfer hair color.


2. Robe Lowe的雀斑似乎在也被修图修掉囉。 

Robe Lowe's adorable freckles and tan are missing in this headshot.


3. 亚瑟小子 (Usher) 在官方照片中看起来比较凶悍,但其实他本人笑起来是很可爱的~

Usher's smouldering look in the studio image is different from his original, bubbly smile.


4. 克里斯·普瑞特 (Chris Pratt) 的脸颊跟额头都红红的,但是在官方照片中却都神奇的消失了。

Chris Pratt's pinkish cheeks and forehead, magically disappear.


5. 不过查宁坦图 (Channing Tatum) 好像不管有没有修图都一样帅耶 (私心) 

Channing Tatum looks hot with or without photoshop.


6. 亚当·李维 (Adam Levine) 被修图过后看起来好像比较像生意人,少了那么一点摇滚明星的味道。

Adam Levine looks more business-like and less rocker.


7.  乔·汉姆 (John Hamm) 看起来比他饰演的角色唐·德雷柏苍老了许多。

John Hamm is a little less smooth than his Don Draper alter ego.


8. 坏男孩始祖强尼戴普 (Johnny Depp) 本人的叛逆模样看起来比《神鬼大盗》中修饰过的模样帅气多啦! .

The original bad boy Johnny Depp is much better than the pretty Mortdecai.


9. 赛斯·梅尔 (Seth Meyers) 的专业男主播形象 vs 搞笑男主持人的形象。

Seth Meyers news anchor look vs the funnyman host.


10. 德瑞克·霍夫 (Derek Hough) 满脸的油光 (误) 经过修图后就消失了。

Derek Hough's shiny skin gets dabbed off in the Dancing with the Stars promo shot.


11. 亚历·鲍德温 (Alec Baldwin) 在官方照中看起来好像更瘦而且也睡得更好 XD。 

Alec Baldwin looks slimmer, well-rested, and more pouty in the studio image.


12. 你也知道,就算是偶像巨星小贾斯丁也是会长痘痘的啦!

It's totally natural to have a little acne at this age Justin Bieber.


13. 歌手兼作曲人麦克·波斯纳 (Mike Posner) 本人看起来非常有邻家男孩的气质。

Singer and songwriter, Mike Posner looks more like the adorable next-door-neighbor.


14. 电视上最性感的总统东尼哥德温 (Tony Goldwyn)  在扮演总统的时候皱纹好像比较少唷!

TV's sexiest president, Tony Goldwyn just needs a little bit blotting when he's not running the country.


15. 杰克·约翰森 (Jake Johnson) 在拍摄官方照的时候看起来一点都没有喜感了啦!

Jake Johnson leaves the comedy out when he's posing in front of the camera.


16.  大卫·伯瑞纳在摄影棚中拍摄的官方照看起来既粗犷又性感。

David Boreanaz looks rugged and sexy sans studio lights.


17. 伊恩·桑莫哈德 (Ian Somerhalder) 也是不管有没有修图都很帅的类型啊~

Ian Somerhalder gives a serious 'blue steel' look.


18. 马吉尔 (Miguel) 的颧骨跟略高的发线似乎都消失囉。

Miguel's cheekbones and high hair seem to be missing in one photo.


19. Glee中大家最喜欢的老师马修·莫里森 (Matthew Morrison) 在官方照片里看起来也年轻太多了吧!

Not sure why Glee's favorite teacher, Matthew Morrison, gorgeous locks were trimmed for the show's promo photo.

来源:Life Buzz

虽然很多人都在修图后变年轻了许多,但是差距好像还是没有女生化妆前后大耶 (骂到自己)。

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