
1. 將抽屜的旁邊上色,每次拉開都有好心情!   配色超級糖果!   2. 或是直接將其中一個抽屜拿掉,裡面漆上油漆就會是家中獨一無二的美麗家具! 廣告1   3. 誰說車庫一定就得死氣沈沈的呢?把門或牆壁漆上不同顏色,讓你一下車就感受到家的感覺!   4. 樓梯也是我們常常

February 29, 2016

1. 將抽屜的旁邊上色,每次拉開都有好心情!

Paint the sides of your dresser's drawers to get a pleasant surprise whenever you pull out a drawer for something.


2. 或是直接將其中一個抽屜拿掉,裡面漆上油漆就會是家中獨一無二的美麗家具!

Or remover one of the drawers completely and paint the inside to recreate this unique piece.


3. 誰說車庫一定就得死氣沈沈的呢?把門或牆壁漆上不同顏色,讓你一下車就感受到家的感覺!

Who said your garage has to be left the way it is? Make it homey, paint some doors and/or walls.


4. 樓梯也是我們常常會忽略的地方,可以選擇單漆樓梯或是全部改色~

Try painting the stairs. You can paint just the risers, the platforms, or the whole thing.


5. 將衣櫥裡面換上新的顏色也很可愛!

Paint the inside of a small coat closet as a simple and cute accent.


6. 覺得前面都太普通了?直接在櫃子上用黑板漆寫上自己喜歡的字吧!方便歸類又很童趣!

How about painting your entire dresser with chalkboard paint so you can label each drawer with chalk what's inside of it.


7. 門框邊也不能放過!

Paint the edges of your door for a subtle hint of color.


8. 櫥櫃內漆上顏色感覺找東西更一目了然!

Paint the inside of your kitchen cabinets any color of your choice for a sleek looking kitchen.


9. 櫥櫃的裡面也能用黑板漆來幫忙分門別類~

And use chalkboard paint again to paint the insides of cabinet doors to help organize your kitchen.


10. 窗戶邊框上色之後整個房間為之一亮!

Paint your window trims to add a colorful touch to any room.


11. 門鈴也漆上油漆吧,雖然好像很少人會漆這個地方,不過當訪客來臨時真的會有畫龍點睛的效果呢!

Paint your door bell. As unconventional as it sounds, it actually does make a change to the whole vibe a person gets when approaching your front door.


12. 書櫃多了顏色跟裝飾品感覺就像展示櫃一樣!

Paint the back of a bookcase, what better way to showoff your books than in front of a bold solid color?


13. 枯燥的書桌漆上油漆就會很不一樣~

Give your desk a makeover and paint the inside of its drawers and cabinets!


14. 椅子不要輕易淘汰,上漆之後又是另一種風味!

Don't ex out chairs, you can paint them too!


15. 畫布的邊框也能畫上顏色~

Paint along the edges of a canvas to give it some pizzazz if it's a black and white painting or a neat end if it's a colorful masterpiece.



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分類:藝術, 世界
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