
1. 今年的米兰设计周(Milano Design Week 2016)在这星期如火如荼地展开,其中Nike与其他艺术家合作推出的自然律动主题展《The Nature of Motion》,受到了广大的瞩目!展览上,展示出许多充满未来感,结合自然律动概念的3D列印超炫球鞋,快来一起欣赏吧!   2. Nike近年

April 16, 2016

1. 今年的米兰设计周(Milano Design Week 2016)在这星期如火如荼地展开,其中Nike与其他艺术家合作推出的自然律动主题展《The Nature of Motion》,受到了广大的瞩目!展览上,展示出许多充满未来感,结合自然律动概念的3D列印超炫球鞋,快来一起欣赏吧!

I’m all for pushing the limits, but Nike might have gone a little too far in their most recent sneaker designs. Their exhibit at the Milan Design Expo 2016 called “The Nature of Motion” is meant to “manifest the previously unimaginable” and envision what the future of athletic footwear could possibly be. I’m not sure we’ll be seeing anyone walking around with hair curlers stuck to their soles, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. Here are the crazy ideas the folks at Nike came up with.   Speaking of hair curlers, that's what the first design is made of. It shows a "sectional, fully customizable cushioning system that can be adjusted to the wearer’s preferred shoe density, height, and weight."


2. Nike近年来追求的自然律动,指的是人类与生俱来的运动方式,如果能够充分运用的话,人类便有机会将运动机能发挥到最大极限!

A "gliding convex outsole" uses natural momentum to get runners going.



Who wouldn't want to run around on bouncy balls?


4. 结合弹簧球的设计~

More 'practical' than the 5-ball design, this model only has 2, which increase compression and use 3D printing to enhance stability.


5. 装满亮色液体的减震液态鞋垫:

Nothing like a bag of brightly colored fluid attached to your shoe to create a naturally adaptive underfoot cushion, am I right?


6. 在鞋底贴上防撞包装,虽然看起来有点奇怪,但换个角度想,这样大面积的缓冲系统才能有效保护脚底关节呢~

Champagne packaging might sound weird for a shoe sole (of course it does) but since it produces foam when shaken it can grow around the foot, making a "custom cushioning system."


7. 打扫的好帮手~

Ever wanted to wipe the floor with your competition? You can when there's a mop on your shoe.
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The spring cushioning system of polymer noodles is supposed to condense down to a normal height once you strap them on and step down, but could you even get over the ridiculousness long enough to do that?



Not only do these foam toe separators form a customized "segmented cushioning system," but they could also possibly come in handy when you need a pedicure.


10. 设计概念来自人体走路时的脚底压力测试图~

The 3D-printed outsole was inspired by a pressure map of the foot and flexes when you walk.


11. Nike表示,这样的脚底气囊可以自动依据运动员跑步时,脚底所释放的压力来做调整。

According to Nike, "Airbags underfoot capture and release air, putting the cushioning exactly where you need it as you run,"



Enjoy running on pine needles? This shoe mimics that feeling. It was apparently inspired by Nike's first employee Jeff Johnson.


13. 这件作品的设计理念是,提供产品客制化调整~

Made from Velcro hair rollers, this design is supposed to show an outsole that can be adjusted to fit your needs.



Independently compressing foam spheres are supposed to lessen the impact of foot on pavement and spring back quickly to increase energy return.   Why am I suddenly craving Dippin' Dots?


15. 直接结合记忆床垫~

Memory foam, of course!



Not only does this one have memory foam, it also includes a cooling gel in between the insole and outsole.


17. 除了运动,还可以用在厨房清洁~

Kitchen cleaning brushes... on a shoe... apparently explores the realm of "directional cushioning."



Whiskers, anyone? They were 3D printed and can act as "sensors" to "augment an athlete's senses..." whatever that means.



Another 3D-printed model has a completely offset sole, which is an extreme version of "modifying the sensation of running via the athlete's gate."



Tension magnets can be used to cushion an athlete's run as well.


21. 这不是要穿来跑步的~而是运动完后可以舒缓脚底的按摩器~

Don't worry, Nike doesn't expect you to run on this shoe. That would be crazy. Instead it's a plug-in vibrating outsole that is supposed to help your feet recover after a run.



This shoe was repeatedly dipped in PU foam, which never fully compresses no matter how hard the runner goes. It's supposed to erase the feel of impact when the foot hits the ground.


23. 这款作品的设计灵感是来自于台湾的石头按摩步道!

These shoes rock!   No but seriously, they're inspired by the cobblestone reflexology paths in Taiwanese gardens, which are supposed to improve health and well-being. Ouch.


24. 贴上加入动力沙的塑胶袋,防雨防冲击!

Plastic bags filled with kinetic sand are wrapped around these shoes for impact protection.


25. 吸震效果极佳的马桶疏通器~

And finally, plungers. This design uses the toilet fixer to lessent the impact of the foot on the ground, while slowing the runner's pace with suction at the same time.    Most likely Nike is using exaggeration to make a statement about what kinds of materials could be used for footwear.  For all of our sakes, I hope that's what's actually happening.   Via Business Insider

来源:The Chive


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