
13岁就进入模特儿圈,在模特儿圈打滚20年,更在《金氏纪录》里成为全世界最贵超模,她就是吉赛儿邦臣 (Gisele Bundchen) ,但你绝对没想到这位世界上女性称羡的女神,以前在学校时,也曾经被挑剔过兔宝宝牙、过瘦的身形跟像竹竿的双腿,甚至在同侪中还被认为是「班上最

June 4, 2016

13岁就进入模特儿圈,在模特儿圈打滚20年,更在《金氏纪录》里成为全世界最贵超模,她就是吉赛儿邦臣 (Gisele Bundchen) ,但你绝对没想到这位世界上女性称羡的女神,以前在学校时,也曾经被挑剔过兔宝宝牙、过瘦的身形跟像竹竿的双腿,甚至在同侪中还被认为是「班上最丑的女孩」!

Bullied: She is now the world's highest paid supermodel, but Gisele Bundchen has described how she was bullied in school for being so tall and skinny. Pictured, Gisele (second left) and her twin sister Patricia (far right)


从小在巴西长大的她也曾因为表明自己想当模特儿而被同学找碴,她在14岁时就已经长到180公分,同学常笑称她是“长颈鹿”甚至是“牙签”,「我永远是那个又瘦又突出的女生,每个人都嘲笑我。」吉赛儿的双胞胎姊姊派翠西亚 (Patricia) 当时在学校是每个男生的梦幻追求对象,但吉赛儿在舞会中却没有任何一个男生愿意跟她跳舞。

Starting out: School friends said she was always left out of parties because nobody wanted to dance with her. They even said that her first kiss was a dare by one of the bullies to see who would kiss the 'ugly duckling'


吉赛儿跟双胞胎姐姐派翠西亚还有嘉碧拉 (Gabriela) 的照片。

Early years: They made fun of Gisele when she began taking part in modelling competitions, claiming she could only advertise 'broomsticks'. Pictured: Gisele with twin sister Patricia and their sister Gabriela






Picked on: At one point, the group of boys threw a live chicken through the window of an outside toilet Giselle was using, causing her to run out screaming, much the amusement of the boys. Pictured, Gisele (left) more recently with twin sister Patricia



Early days: Growing up in the remote town of Horizontina, close to the border with Argentina in Brazil, classmates who used to pick on Gisele and call her names laughed when she said she wanted to be a model






Success: Thanks to Gisele's height - she was 5ft11 at just 14 years old - she was also the star of the volleyball team at her school in Frederico Jorge Logemann college in the small town of Horizontina, near to Brazil's border with Argentina. Pictured Gisele (circled back row left), Patricia, (circled back row right),  and their friend Graziela Rodrigues (circled front row)
Star: Sedelmo Desbessel, Gisele's PE teacher and now the headteacher of the Frederico Jorge Logemann college, said he remembered the taunts about Gisele's (circled) height but said because it was her height that made her so good at volleyball she channeled the insults to make her more determined
Volleyball teammate Graziela Rodrigues, 35, said Alessandro was the worst name-caller and that it got so bad they assumed he must be in love with her



Taunts: Although Gisele has spoken fondly of her first kiss - with a mischievous friend called Alessandro - he and his friends say it was in fact a dare. Pictured, Sister Patricia (back row left), Gisele (back row right), Alessandro Bogado (in front of Gisele), Kenner Klaesener (front  right) and Davidson Hirt (front left)


采访中也找到了当初玩这个游戏的其中2个男生,Alessandro Bogado跟Davidson Hirt,他们承认小的时候真的经常捉弄安静的吉赛儿,但她总是和善回应,他们也表示是自己小时不懂事,才会有眼不识泰山的捉弄吉赛儿,甚至还常利用吉赛儿来交女友。「对于以前曾经让她受伤真的感到很抱歉,我们也对她现在的成就感到钦佩。」

Jokers: MailOnline tracked down Alessandro Bogado, 38 (left) and Davidson Hirt, 36 (right), who admit that they, along with pal Kenner Klaesener, mocked and played tricks on quiet Gisele



Warm-hearted: According to the boys, Gisele was always kind to them and remained their friend despite all the name-calling
Reunion: Gisele's schoolfriend Alessandro, who now lives in Palmas, northern Brazil, where he teaches jiu-jitsu and owns a gym, said that while few boys were interested in Gisele they used her to find girlfriends for them. Pictured, Gisele on a visit to her old school


尽管小时候是同学眼中的丑小鸭,模特儿星探迪尔森 (Dilson Stein) 却发现了她这颗明亮的星星,他认为「吉赛儿邦臣之于模特儿界,就像是比利 (Pele) 之于足球一样。」 

Find: Of the taunts, she said: 'I was always tall and skinny and stuck out. I got really red all the time from playing volleyball, red like a pepper. So I thought bullying was just the way life is.' Pictured, Gisele with Dilson Stein, the modelling agent who discovered her
Ambition: After discovering Gisele in a modelling competition in her hometown, Dilson Stein (pictured together) - now considered the greatest fashion scout in Brazil - had to beg her father to let him take her to meet modelling agencies in Sao Paulo


 她不但事业有成,在2009年也与美国橄榄球明星汤姆布雷迪 (Tom Brady) 结婚,生下1男1女,结婚许久仍非常恩爱。

Apology: The boys who bullied Gisele now admit that they feel bad about the name-calling, largely because Gisele was always so nice to them in return.  Pictured, Gisele with NFL star husband Tom Brady
Strong: Her taunters spoke to MailOnline in their hometown of Horizontina and said that they are 'full of admiration for everything she has done' Picture: Gisele with son Benjamin watching Brady at Superbowl


她在去年告别伸展台,她从2004年蝉联8次由《富比士 (Forbes)》杂志评选的「最赚钱超模」冠军,至今仍是价码最高的超模。

Beauty: Her tormentors told how they nicknamed her 'saracura', a bird with spindly legs native to southern South America, as well as 'taquara' - a long bamboo pole used to measure the depth of reservoirs
Humble: Her friend told MailOnline: 'She'd cover up her arms and legs all the time, except on the volleyball court. I remember her sometimes showing me as she tried to measure the circumference of her leg with her hands, saying "I think I'm getting fatter"'



Lucky: Modelling scout Dilson Stein (pictured with Gisele) believes he will never find another model like her. He said 'Gisele means for the modelling industry what Pele means for football'
Striking: Although she didn't appear to let the mickey-taking get to her, friends say it made her extremely self-conscious - so much so that she would arrive at school wearing two pyjama bottoms underneath her trousers to make her legs look thicker. Pictured, Gisele at a Victoria Secret show, New York, 1999 



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加入粉絲團! 这个女生因为凸牙跟细腿从小被霸凌到大,结果长大的她现在已经成为「世界第一的模特儿传奇」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友