
 看到像這樣一名樣貌姣好、身形嬌小的女生,你會想認識嗎?但除非你不怕被大卸八塊,不然還是拔腿就跑吧!來自墨西哥伊達爾戈 (Hidalgo) 的這位女子名叫胡安娜 (Juana),綽號「小不點」(La Peque) 的她是名職業打手,專為當地毒梟集團殺害、凌虐對手,目前正在加州巴哈

July 14, 2016

 看到像這樣一名樣貌姣好、身形嬌小的女生,你會想認識嗎?但除非你不怕被大卸八塊,不然還是拔腿就跑吧!來自墨西哥伊達爾戈 (Hidalgo) 的這位女子名叫胡安娜 (Juana),綽號「小不點」(La Peque) 的她是名職業打手,專為當地毒梟集團殺害、凌虐對手,目前正在加州巴哈 (Baja) 監獄服刑的她最近自爆熱愛以被害人的鮮血沐浴,還把血液當酒豪飲。

Pic shows: hitwoman with two young gang members; A Mexican hitwoman has confessed to having had intercourse with beheaded people and drinking their blood. The chilling confession was made by Juana aka ‘’La Peque" (The Littleun), who worked for the infamous Zetas cartel in Mexico, and was reported this week in local media. The small but deadly hitwoman made her confessions from one of the prisons of the north-western state of Baja California. She said: "Ever since I was a little girl I was a rebel, and then became a drug addict and alcoholic." She described how she was just 15 when she got pregnant and had a baby with a man 20 years older than her. Juana first worked as a sex worker before becoming a ‘halconeo’, a spy who would look out for police or army patrols. She said she would have to stand in position and keep an eye out for trouble for eight hours at a time. If she did it wrong she would be tied up for a week and fed only a taco a day. During her time in the cartel she describes gory moments such as watching how a man's head had been smashed open with a mace. She said: "I remember feeling sad and thinking that I did not want to end up like that." However later on it seems the ‘littleun’ got used to the blood and even began to revel in it. According to Mexican site denuncias.mx she said she began to "feel excited by it, rubbing myself in it and bathing in it after killing a victim and I even drank it when it was still warm." According to the same source she even insinuated having "had sex with the cadavers of those decapitated, using the severed heads as well as the rest of their bodies to pleasure herself." Juana is still awaiting sentencing.






Pic shows: the hitwoman; A Mexican hitwoman has confessed to having had intercourse with beheaded people and drinking their blood. The chilling confession was made by Juana aka ‘’La Peque" (The Littleun), who worked for the infamous Zetas cartel in Mexico, and was reported this week in local media. The small but deadly hitwoman made her confessions from one of the prisons of the north-western state of Baja California. She said: "Ever since I was a little girl I was a rebel, and then became a drug addict and alcoholic." She described how she was just 15 when she got pregnant and had a baby with a man 20 years older than her. Juana first worked as a sex worker before becoming a ‘halconeo’, a spy who would look out for police or army patrols. She said she would have to stand in position and keep an eye out for trouble for eight hours at a time. If she did it wrong she would be tied up for a week and fed only a taco a day. During her time in the cartel she describes gory moments such as watching how a man's head had been smashed open with a mace. She said: "I remember feeling sad and thinking that I did not want to end up like that." However later on it seems the ‘littleun’ got used to the blood and even began to revel in it. According to Mexican site denuncias.mx she said she began to "feel excited by it, rubbing myself in it and bathing in it after killing a victim and I even drank it when it was still warm." According to the same source she even insinuated having "had sex with the cadavers of those decapitated, using the severed heads as well as the rest of their bodies to pleasure herself." Juana is still awaiting sentencing.

 來源:The Lad Bible


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加入粉絲團! 這位嬌小爆乳可愛女生一看到男生就想要呵護,但她最近卻坦承愛上了「跟被自己砍頭殺害的屍體愛愛」。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友