
麦当劳在大家的心目中是速食界的龙头,不过事实上他们近几年的销售额下滑,一季比一季悽惨。不过麦当劳也痛定思痛,开始认真听取顾客的意见并对菜单大改革!以下就是今年麦当劳的17项菜单改革,或许将来台湾也会跟进? Unilad   1. 大受欢迎的香蒜薯条。   麦当劳今年在

July 28, 2016



1. 大受欢迎的香蒜薯条

After suffering a severe drop in sales and revenue quarter after quarter, the massive fast food chain decided to finally address their criticism head on by adding new higher quality recipes, as well as offering new and bold initiatives. Below are 17 new tweaks to the McDonald's menu and their overall business model in the past year that will have them breaking into new territory to compete for your business in the future.  McDonald's tested garlic fries and they were a hit (Above)  McD's tested the fries at four locations in San Francisco earlier this year and within days had sold out of all their supplies.  "In less than two weeks, our small, four-restaurant test of Gilroy Garlic Fries has been a huge success, and we are now experiencing a temporary shortage of supplies," McDonald's told SFGate. "We are excited about how many people have visited our restaurants to try the fries, and we apologize for any inconvenience to our customers."  The made-to-order fries are a mix of "Gilroy garlic and olive oil, parmesan cheese, parsley, and a pinch of salt," the company says.


2. 德克萨斯吐司汉堡。

A burger launched on Texas toast  The Lone Star Stack Burger was released in Texas back in June after the company asked Texas locals to come up with an original recipe for their new sandwich. The burger included two beef patties, sweet onion barbecue sauce, grilled onions, bacon, American and white cheddar cheese, and crinkled pickles between two slices of tasty Texas toast.
这款Lone Star Stack Burger 6月时在德州上市。内含两块牛肉汉堡排、甜洋葱烤肉酱、烤洋葱、培根、美国白巧达起司酸黄瓜,外层再用酥脆的德州吐司包住!


3. 鲜牛肉排汉堡。

Fresh, never-frozen beef patties being tested  14 locations in Dallas are trying the fresh patties, and despite praise by most, some McDonald's franchisees have warned against it, stating that handling the fresh beef in the kitchen could slow down service as well as cause higher risks for food contamination.  McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook also mentioned that there isn't currently a large enough supply of fresh beef to expand the test nationally, but that the company could start expanding it region by region over time.


4. 早餐全天候供应。

All-day breakfast was a blockbuster hit  Since last October, McDonald's has credited the all-day breakfast for being a major driving force behind their recent sales growth. Since the launch, customers ordered breakfast-menu items in droves during lunch and dinner hours which has helped drive up ticket prices during those times, Easterbrook said earlier this year.


5. 鸡肉凯萨三明治。

A chicken Caesar sandwich was launched New York  The new sandwich has lettuce, tomato, parmesan, and Caesar dressing. Seems simple enough. The new item rolled out in the New York area in June, and according to critics it has been met with mild to lukewarm reviews. You can't win them all, I guess.


6. 健康食谱羽衣甘蓝沙拉。

Kale salads were added for more health-conscious diners, but there was a big problem in their logic  McDonald's Canada's "Keep Calm, Caesar On" crispy chicken salad with "real parmesan petals" and "a nutrient-rich lettuce blend with baby kale" has 730 calories, 53 grams of fat, and 1,400 milligrams of salt, once you add the Asiago Caesar dressing. That's actually not healthy at all. In fact, in comparison, the double Big Mac actually is less unhealthy for you with its 680 calories, 38 grams of fat, and 1,340 milligrams of sodium.  A McDonald's representative retorted that customers could alter the salads to make them healthier. Excluding dressing, would reduce the calories to 520 and cut the fat nearly in half and customers can also opt for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken to further reduce calorie and fat content. Still...who orders something on a McDonald's menu and then has it tweaked for the sake of health? Seems like an unlikely scenario at best.


7. 特大麦克跟小麦克

The Big Mac Makeover   McDs tested a "Grand Mac" and a "Mac Jr." The "Grand Mac" has 61% more beef than your typical Big Mac, with an extra slice of cheese, and a larger bun. The Mac Jr. is a single-patty burger for those with a more modest appetite. At this point, the chain has tested the new burgers at restaurants throughout central Ohio and Dallas/Ft. Worth.


8. 新版四盎司牛肉堡。

The quarter pounder makeover  The chain has begun toasting its buns longer in addition to increasing the size of its quarter-pounder patties from four ounces when raw to 4.25 ounces. However, the four-ounce patties shrink to 2.8 ounces after they have been cooked. McDonald's also changed how its patties are seared to seal in more flavor.


9. 麦当劳表示会完全去除有抗生素的鸡肉。

McDonald's has promised to phase out antibiotics from its chicken supply  After much criticism about the type of chicken the company was serving, McDonald's vowed to remove all antibiotics vital to fighting human infections from its chicken supply within the next two years. In addition, they have also promised to shift to cage-free eggs in the US over the next 10 years. Baby steps, right?


10. 更健康的早餐。

New additions of healthy breakfast bowls are available  Released in Southern California locations, the new breakfast bowls come in two varieties: egg whites and turkey sausage, or scrambled egg and chorizo. The turkey sausage bowl comes equipped with egg whites; sautéed baby spinach and kale; parmesan cheese; and fresh bruschetta. While the chorizo option includes a hash brown; scrambled eggs with finely ground chicken chorizo; shredded cheddar jack cheese; pico de gallo; and spicy salsa.  McDonald's is also now offering a Chobani Greek yogurt which will be used in the fruit-and-yogurt parfaits along with the fruit smoothies.


11. 早餐三明治的人造奶油改用真的奶油。

Margarine has been replaced by real butter on its breakfast sandwiches  The simple addition of using butter had an immediate impact increasing Egg McMuffins sales by double digits last year. Executives said the butter-based recipe also drove McDonald's sales in the most recent quarter on the buttermilk crispy sandwich. "It outperformed the high end of our expectations," Easterbrook said of the sandwich.


12. McPick (类似台湾麦当劳的1+1=50)。

The McPick 2 promotion  Back in January McDonald's let customers select two of the following items for just $2: a McDouble, a McChicken, small fries, and mozzarella sticks. However, in late February they raised the price of the deal to $5, allowing customers to select two of the following for $5: a Big Mac, 10-piece chicken McNuggets, a Filet-O-Fish sandwich, and a Quarter Pounder with cheese.  The McPick 2 promotion was created to address a common complaint that the McDonald's menu didn't offer enough value options. Let that last statement sink in for a moment.
在今年一月,美国麦当劳推出活动菜单上任选两样商品只要$2 (台币约65) 的促销。活动商品包括双层汉堡、麦香鸡、小薯、莫札瑞拉起司条。2月下旬又推出两样商品$5 (台币约160) 的新活动。商品包括大麦克、10块麦克鸡块、麦香鱼和4盎司牛肉堡加起司。


13. 麦克鸡块升级版。

McD's reintroduced Premium Chicken Selects, which cost $2.99 for a three-piece order, compared with $1.99 for a four-piece Chicken McNugget order.   The Premium Chicken Selects are made from whole pieces of chicken tenderloin which are breaded and fried, whereas the traditional McNuggets are made from ground chicken meat. This is a mild upgrade for people afraid of their current McNugget ingredients.
麦当劳推出$2.99 (台币约95) 可以买到3块炸鸡里肌的新商品。原本4块麦克鸡块要价$1.99 (台币约65)。新商品是用整块鸡里肌制作的,所以担心麦克鸡块成分的人也可以点这项商品。


14. 更多诱人的新菜单。

Some more indulgent & tasty foods have also been added to the menu  McDonald's has mentioned that new items like the the buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich have been massive success too. Another new food being tested is the new ground-chicken burger. The ground-chicken burger is made from a blend of white and dark ground chicken which is seasoned with spices like garlic and onion powder. The sandwich was tested in McDonald's Tampa locations and the final call on the burger's longevity is still up in the air.
麦当劳新推出的buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich和ground-chicken burger在佛罗里达州坦帕地区推出,两者都非常受到消费者欢迎。


15. 莫札瑞拉起司条在全美推出。

McDonald's launched mozzarella sticks nationwide   Initially added as part of the McPick 2 promotion, the mozzarella sticks are also available on their own — $1 for three sticks.  The snack experienced a less than smooth start after customers complained that they were served mozzarella sticks without the cheese filling. Last I checked that's a key component to the food dish. However, McDonald's said the cheese had actually melted out of the crust during the cooking process and they vowed to correct the issue.
只要$1 (台币约33) 就能买到两条莫扎瑞拉起司条!虽然推出不久后有顾客抱怨他们买到空心起司条,后来麦当劳发现这是因为油炸过程中起司溶化后流出去,并承诺他们会修正问题。


16. 沙朗3磅汉堡。

McDonald's tested a premium sirloin burger that went nowhere    Introduced in May, this limited item addition didn't exactly wow the general public. The burgers, made with 100% sirloin, featured the biggest meat patties offered on the McDonald's menu. They were served on wooden boards intended to indicate their premium quality, along with high-end toppings like grilled mushrooms, white cheddar cheese, and peppercorn sauce. People collectively gave two fucks about the "fancy" burger.


17. 汉堡客制化服务。

The 'Create Your Taste,' customizable burger is available in thousands of locations   The new interactive menu allows patrons to customize their burgers with premium toppings like guacamole, grilled mushrooms, onions, bacon, and chili-lime tortilla strips, with the simple process of a touch-screen kiosk. Also, the chain is also now offering a limited version of "Create Your Taste" to drive-thru customers called "TasteCrafted," where customers can choose a bun and a premium sauce.  Businessinsider
麦当劳上千家分店推出「Create Your Taste」(创造你的美味) 服务,让顾客能调整他们自己想吃的口味。现在就连得来速也推出这样的服务!不过能做的更动比店内的版本少。




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