
日前,25歲的 Crystal Lamirande 返回加州公寓時,發現住所竟然失火,由於家中還有隻10歲愛犬 Nalu 被困在屋內,她著急不已,但火勢大到她無法衝進去救狗,只能等待消防人員救援。   後來消防隊趕抵撲滅火勢後,消防人員 Andrew Klein 發現了倒在地上、已經失去意識的 N

March 27, 2017

日前,25歲的 Crystal Lamirande 返回加州公寓時,發現住所竟然失火,由於家中還有隻10歲愛犬 Nalu 被困在屋內,她著急不已,但火勢大到她無法衝進去救狗,只能等待消防人員救援。

Lamirande lost all of her possessions in the fire, but thanks to Klein, she didn't lose her best friend that day.


後來消防隊趕抵撲滅火勢後,消防人員 Andrew Klein 發現了倒在地上、已經失去意識的 Nalu。

"I discovered him amidst all the smoke and the heat. I grabbed him and as soon as I grabbed him I knew that he was unresponsive just by his dead weight," he <a href="http://abc7.com/1815843/" target="_blank">said</a>.
「我發現他倒在火勢和濃煙之間,趕緊衝上去抱起他。但當我一碰到他時,我知道他已經沒有意識了。」他二話不說,趕緊對 Nalu 實施 CPR 急救,包括嘴對嘴人工呼吸。  


持續努力20分鐘後,終於把 Nalu 從鬼門關前搶救回來。Nalu 慢慢恢復意識。

Klein didn't waste any time performing CPR on Nalu, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


幸好那場火災沒有任何人受傷,且消防員在10分鐘內便把火勢撲滅。雖然那天 Crystal 失去了家產,但幸好她並未失去自己最好的朋友。

After spending 20 minutes working on him while Lamirande watched, Klein brought Nalu back to life.  What's even better is that nobody else was hurt and the other firefighters were able to put out in the flames in 10 minutes.



"Our goal is to save people, and sometimes we're not able to do that despite our best efforts. But to have a success story just like this, even with Nalu being a dog, I mean again he's a life and he's a life that matters. That was just a great morale booster for all of the guys here in our department," Klein <a href="http://abc7.com/1815843/" target="_blank">said</a>.



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