
一年一度的白宮復活節滾彩蛋比賽17日登場,來自各地的孩子們齊聚國會山滾彩蛋。     這是川普上任總統後首次主持白宮活動,不過充滿個人色彩的狂人總統,此次照慣例鬧出不少話題。    當時現場開始放奏美國國歌,照說大家都要舉起右手搭在左胸前,但川普不知是心情大好

April 18, 2017


Both the president and first lady spoke on the Truman Balcony as their 11-year-old son Barron and the Easter Bunny watched on 
Trump salutes a member of the military who had just sung the U.S. national anthem as he stands with a performer in an Easter Bunny costume at the White House Easter Egg Roll on the Truman Balcony









The First Family was heralded in by a marching band after making their introductory remarks on the Truman balcony 
Barron Trump was in high spirits as he joined his parents and older siblings at the event. He will remain in New York City with his mother to see out the school year before relocating to Washington DC
Daughter Tiffany Trump is seen peeking through her father President Trump and stepmother Melania Trump as kids beginning rolling their eggs through the White House lawn 
President Trump joined in the festivities on the South Lawn, cheering on children taking part in the traditional roll with wooden spoons 
The president and first lady then joined young children on a picnic bench to complete drawings for the occasion 
The first lady embraced a young girl as they colored cards together for members of the United States military 
Melania was an enthusiastic host, reading to children who had gathered on the South Lawn at one point



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