《死侍2》超级舒压!9个嘴砲到「超想打人的对话」 终于懂为什么男生都超爱

《复仇者联盟:无限之战》上应已经快一个月,但是话题热度不但没减少,反而还出了许多周边商品替它加温。   而最近上映的,同样属漫威旗下《死侍2》也获得相当好的票房评价。当然,身为漫威中最犀利、最嘴砲的英雄,死侍当然不能错过能嘴一下无限之战的机会。所以

May 21, 2018



而最近上映的,同样属漫威旗下《死侍2》也获得相当好的票房评价。当然,身为漫威中最犀利、最嘴砲的英雄,死侍当然不能错过能嘴一下无限之战的机会。所以国外媒体《Buzz Feed》整理了9个死侍开的无限之战玩笑!



1. 「我的超能力就是肆无忌惮的癌症,给我一把弓箭,我就是鹰眼。」

When Deadpool and Russell (Julian Dennison) are trapped in a mutant prison, their powers are immobilized by these government collars that are super hard to remove unless you have a grenade or an ass pen. So Deadpool's cancer comes back, and his one-liners become all the more powerful. Sorry, Hawkeye (but also, show me the lie).


2. 「我做了什么惹怒一个有酷寒战士手臂的脾气暴躁的老笨蛋?」

While still trapped in that same prison, Deadpool and Russell first lay eyes on Cable (Josh Brolin) and his budget-ass Bucky arm.


3. 「我要说的是,观众还没看腻机器人手臂吗?」

When Cable tells Deadpool he's from the future, this is the third of three very important questions Deadpool asks him about what's to come. The other two are, of course, "Is dubstep still a thing?" and "Which Sharknado are we on?"


4. 「你好黑暗,你是从DC宇宙来的吗?」

OK, this isn't technically an Avengers joke, but it's meta and hilarious so it deserves to be included.


5. 「安静!黑黑寡妇!」

Deadpool's not wrong. Domino is as badass as Natasha, and what I would give to see them team up.


6. 「嘿大块头,太阳快下山了。」

Deadpool trying to violently lull the Juggernaut to sleep like Natasha does with the Hulk is pure gold. It's his second Black Widow reference (which is technically from Avengers: Age of Ultron and not Infinity War), and definitely the funniest. It's just as funny a gag as it was in Thor: Ragnarok.


7. 「我就知道,咖啡豹。」

Deadpool gives this honorary title to Dopinder after he mows down the villainous headmaster of Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation.


8. 「你这个控制时间的王八。」

Actor Josh Brolin plays both Cable, the kinda villain in Deadpool 2, and Thanos, the indisputable villain in Infinity War. Both Cable and Thanos use time devices at the end of each movie to alter events and change what we thought would be the ending. Deadpool gets two Thanos digs in, and this is one of them.
演员乔什·布洛林在死侍2中演出机堡并在无限之战中演坏蛋萨诺斯。 机堡根萨诺斯在每部电影的最后都使用时间设备来改变事件并改变我们认定的结局。


9. 「闭嘴!萨诺斯。」

And this is Deadpool's second Thanos dig. The end.



参考资料:Buzz Feed


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