影/钢铁人女儿泪求「请不要欺负我」 最后留下「经典名言」粉丝心碎:复仇者集合!

我们都很羡慕《复仇者联盟4》中饰演摩根史塔克的小童星,不但一夕爆红,还可以跟这么多我们梦中才能见到的人对戏相处。不过其实童星们的生活,远比我们想像的还要辛苦多了。 廣告1 蕾希罗伯 (Lexi Rabe) 扮演的角色就是钢铁人小劳勃道尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 的女儿,不

June 27, 2019



蕾希罗伯 (Lexi Rabe) 扮演的角色就是钢铁人小劳勃道尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 的女儿,不过她前阵子向影迷们发出了一个让人非常不舍的请求。这位7岁的小朋友希望大家不要再欺负她和她的家人了。尽管很难理解为什么成年人会以这种方式对待一个生活在公众视线的孩子,蕾希和她的母亲洁西卡表示事情就是发生了。









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I hate that we even have to post this. But yet again Lexi’s getting bullied. And this kind of thing makes it celebrities never want to leave the house never want to meet people. Please keep your opinions to yourself so Lexi can grow up in the free world. She’s a normal human being and she’s a child. We give her a talking and we give her timeouts but we don’t do that in public. Sometimes were rushing from place to place stressed like everyone else to get to set on time or work or whatever and we seem a little grumpy. I’m sorry if you see us this way but that’s life! If you ask us for an autograph we always almost say yes. If we happen to be having a bad day that might put us right on the right! We are not perfect! These perfect children are not being given the freedoms and the rights that they should. If your child is so scared to be themselves in public and mess up a little then you’re over parenting. We give our children plenty of rules and boundaries But then give them the freedoms to mess up and learn from their own mistakes. They would not be on set an on movies if they weren’t well behaved. Trust me they have no desire to hire kids like that! And there were plenty of children that productions can work with. So if you see us in public and think you have the right to judge. Wait. Number one until you have children of your own, and Number two realize that we’re not perfect and we’re not claiming to be! But just try to realize the different strokes for different folks what you do with your kids may work for you and what I do with my kids works well for me. My children love me and respect me even if they act out sometimes. Thank you! Jessica!

Lexi Rabe(@lexi_rabe)分享的贴文 于 张贴




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加入粉絲團! 影/钢铁人女儿泪求「请不要欺负我」 最后留下「经典名言」粉丝心碎:复仇者集合!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友