
整个伦敦都变成名贵超跑的停车场了!每年7月,当回教的斋戒月结束时,许多来自卡达、沙乌地阿拉伯、阿联酋跟科威特国家的超跑主人都会移居到伦敦避暑,也把伦敦变成超跑展场。   这些车大部份都在五星级的饭店、高档商店或名牌街附近出没。这辆价值4900万 (美金150万)

August 2, 2015


An eye-watering line-up of lavish supercars park up out the Dorchester Hotel following the arrival of Middle Eastern playboys to the capital


这些车大部份都在五星级的饭店、高档商店或名牌街附近出没。这辆价值4900万 (美金150万) 的布加迪 Veyron,最快可以开到时速431公里。但车子不止吸引了众人的目光,也因为违规停车而吸引了交通警察的注意。 

This Bugatti Veyron, which has a top speed of 268mph, is among the Arabian-owned supercars which have descended on the capital. But the car appears to have caught the eye of traffic wardens - and earned itself a parking ticket


不过,说真的,一张6300元 (美金200元) 的罚单,是不会让拥有价值480万布加迪 Veyron的车主破产的。

But with the classic Bugatti Veyron worth around £1m, it's unlikely the £130 fine will be much of a deterrent to this wealthy supercar owner



This Ferrari from Dubai was spotted in Knightsbridge on double yellow lines. The influx of supercars has previously caused parking chaos



This blue Qatari-registered Aston Martin was also given a ticket while parked outside Harrods. Many owners can go back to their home countries without fear of being chased for the fines by authorities


这辆来自杜拜的蓝宝坚尼 Aventador 也因为违规停在哈洛德百货公司钱而被开单。

And this Lamborghini Aventador from Dubai was also given a parking ticket while parked outside the world-famous department store 


这辆价值价值4900万 (美金150万) 的黄色法拉利,最快可以达到时速354公里。它可以在不到3秒内达到时速96公里。

This yellow LaFerrari, spotted in Knightsbridge, is worth around £1m and has a top speed of 220mph. It can also reach 60mph in less than three seconds. It is one of dozens of supercars which have descended on the London streets for the summer 


这辆金黄色的法拉利458与后方的红色法拉利 California 也都是在哈洛德百货外被捕捉到。

This ostentatious gold Ferrari 458 (front) and a red Ferrari California (back) were seen parked up outside Harrods - a popular spot for the lavish vehicles - as the supercar season gets underway


这台宾士 CLS 除了身为名车很吸睛外,车身上面满满的施华洛世奇水晶也是让人眼睛闪到不行。

This Mercedes CLS with a British number plate jostled for some attention among the other foreign supercars in London, standing itself out from the crowd with its covering of Swarovski crystals


这台价值880万 (美金28万) 的黑色蓝宝坚尼Huracan 在伦敦市区被拍到。它的最高时速可以到时速325公里。

This black £180,000 Lamborghini Huracan was spotted driving through Portman Square, close to Hyde Park. It has a top speed of 202mph


这辆改装过的麦拉轮 P1 也在伦敦现身。这台价值4100万 (美金130万)的超跑,最快时速可以高达349公里。也可以在不到3秒里从时速0加速到96公里。

This souped-up orange and black McClaren P1, with a British-registered numberplate, joined the throng of supercars parading around the London streets. The car, which costs around £850,000, has a top speed of 217 mph and can go 0-60 in less than three seconds


这台银色的保时捷 918 Spyder 也在伦敦市区被拍到。价值2600万 (美金85万),最高时速可以到达时速337公里。

This silver Porsche 918 Spyder with Saudi Arabian numberplates was pictured parked up in Knightsbridge. It has a top speed of 210mph and is worth around £550,000


这辆古董蓝宝坚尼 Countach (下图左) 是70年代最好的跑车之一,它与另一台蓝宝坚尼 Gallardo (下图右), 一起停在伦敦著名的梅费尔旅馆前。

The streets of London are packed with sports cars, including this outrageous Lamborghini Countach (left) - the original 'poster car' of the Seventies and Eighties - and this Lamborghini Gallardo (right), both parked outside The Mayfair hotel in London 



A bypasser takes a photo as a flash Lamborghini Aventador parks up outside the world-famous department store for a spot of shopping






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加入粉絲團! 英国又到这季节了…行人拍下异常超多台上亿豪车把路都停满闪瞎所有人的眼睛!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友